
沃拉沃拉大学 places a high value on the safety of its employees. Each dean, director, chair-person, and supervisor is responsible for their department's safety performance. See 麦维总统的信. Everyone plays a role in the safety of our campus community. 这所大学开发了一项伤害预防计划,让管理人员参与其中, supervisors, 以及员工识别和消除工作过程中可能出现的危险. 





  1. 遵守本计划中描述的安全规则、WISHA安全标准和您接受的培训.
  2. 在需要的地方,始终使用处于良好工作状态的个人防护装备.
  3. 不拆除或禁用为保护员工而提供的任何安全装置或保护措施.
  4. Encourage co-workers by your words and example to use safe work practices on the job.
  5. Make suggestions to your supervisor, Risk & 安全管理委员会成员, or management about changes you believe will improve employee safety.
  6. Promptly 报告所有事故/未遂事故.
  1. Report promptly all injuries by submitting an 事故/险些脱险报告 不管有多严重.
  2. Report promptly all injury near-miss by submitting an 事故/险些脱险报告​​​​​​​.
  3. Report promptly unsafe conditions or actions to your supervisor or 人力资源, 通过电话或使用网络 报告不安全状况 form.

基本安全规则, not limited to but including the following, 的建立,以帮助澳门真人官网赌场的大学成为一个安全和高效的工作场所. 这些规则是在从事特定工作或操作某些设备时必须遵守的特定部门安全规则的补充. Failure to comply with these rules will result in disciplinary action. 员工在工作时要有良好的判断力,并遵守既定的安全规则.

  1. Never do anything that is unsafe in order to get the job done. If a job is unsafe, report it to your supervisor or Risk & 安全管理委员会 representative. We will find a safer way to do that job.
  2. Do not remove or disable any safety device! Keep guards in place at all times on operating machinery.
  3. Never operate a piece of equipment unless you have been trained and are authorized.
  4. Use your personal protective equipment (PPE) whenever it is required.
  5. 遵守所有安全警告标志.
  6. 禁止在酒精或非法药物的影响下工作或在工作中使用它们.
  7. Do not bring firearms or explosives onto University property.
  8. 不允许吸烟.
  9. Horseplay, running and fighting are prohibited.
  10. 立即清理泄漏物.
  11. Replace all tools and supplies after use.
  12. Do not allow trash or scraps to accumulate where they will become a hazard. Good housekeeping helps prevent injuries.

是否对员工的安全负责,并且作为他们职责的一部分,必须检查工作场所的不安全状况, 观察员工的不安全行为, and take prompt action to eliminate any hazards. 每个主管必须主动评估安全需求,并对其监督下的人员进行安全工作实践培训. In addition, 主管应该提倡一种安全的态度和意识,这将领导全体教员, staff, 在他们的监督下,学生在面对现有法规和惯例不涵盖的情况时,可以选择安全的课程.

  1. Insure that each employee you supervise has received an initial orientation before 开始工作.
  2. 证明你监督的每个员工都有能力或接受过设备或任务安全操作的培训 before starting work on that equipment or project.
  3. Insure that each employee receives required personal protective equipment (PPE) before starting work on a project requiring PPE.
  4. Retain documentation of employee training for duration of employment, plus six years.
  5. Do a walk-around safety-check of the work area. Promptly correct any hazards you find.
  6. Observe the employees you supervise working. Promptly correct any unsafe behavior, provide training and take corrective action as necessary, 记录员工评估.
  7. 通过遵守安全规则和参加必要的培训,为员工树立良好的榜样.
  8. 与管理层讨论工作实践或设备的变化,以提高员工的安全.
  9. Promptly 报告所有事故/未遂事故 并使用 Accident/Near Miss 调查报告.
  1. Notify 人力资源 of an accident/incident 受伤的那一天 by confirming that the employee has completed an 事故/险些脱险报告.
  2. Complete anAccident/Near Miss 调查报告​​​​​​​ for all accidents or near-miss (an incident that did not, but could have resulted in serious injury) under your supervision, 72小时内.
  3. 报告死亡 or 可能死亡 of any employee, 或两(2)名或以上员工住院八(8)小时内 人力资源 during regular business hours, or to校园安全下班后,周末或节假日.

每当发生导致死亡或严重伤害并有立即症状的事件时, 受伤人员的直接主管将进行初步调查。, 由管理层指定的人, the Risk & Safety Officer, and any other persons whose expertise would help the investigation.

  1. The team will take written statements from witnesses, photograph the incident scene and equipment involved.
  2. 他们将记录设备的状况和工作区域内任何可能相关的东西. 
  3. 他们会写一份 调查报告 他们的发现. 报告将包括
    • The sequence of events leading up to the incident
    • 关于事件的结论
    • Any recommendations to prevent a similar incident in the future.

A 工作危害分析 will be done by the supervisor of the job task. 根据需要,将改变工作的完成方式,以消除或控制任何危险. 主管还将检查员工在工作时是否需要使用个人防护装备. Employees will be trained in the revised operation and to use any required PPE.

主管负责核实每位员工是否接受了初步的部门培训和安全工作所需的任何培训,并将培训记录在员工档案中. The Risk & Safety Officer will assist the supervisor with resources for training.


Devote the resources necessary to support the Risk & 安全管理委员会, developing a system for identifying and correcting hazards, 为可预见的紧急情况做好计划,并为员工及其主管提供初步和持续的培训.

  1. 确保风险 & 安全管理委员会及小组委员会正履行其职责.
  2. Insure that sufficient employee time, 主管支持, and funds are budgeted for safety equipment, training and to carry out the safety program.
  3. 每年对主管进行评估,确保他们履行职责.
  4. Insure that 事故/近距离脱靶 是否使用 Accident/Near Miss 调查报告 and corrective action taken to prevent the root causes, 不管是条件的还是行为的, 道德.
  5. Insure that a record of injuries and illnesses is maintained and posted.
  6. 通过遵守既定的安全规则和参加必要的培训,树立良好的榜样.
  7. 向在线观察到危险的区域主管报告不安全的操作或情况 报告不安全情况.


  1. 遵守本计划中描述的安全规则、WISHA安全标准和您接受的培训.
  2. 在需要的地方,始终使用处于良好工作状态的个人防护装备.
  3. 不拆除或禁用为保护员工而提供的任何安全装置或保护措施.
  4. Encourage co-workers by your words and example to use safe work practices on the job.
  5. Make suggestions to your supervisor, Risk & 安全管理委员会成员, or management about changes you believe will improve employee safety.
  6. Promptly 报告所有事故/未遂事故.
  1. Report promptly all injuries by submitting an 事故/险些脱险报告 不管有多严重.
  2. Report promptly all injury near-miss by submitting an 事故/险些脱险报告​​​​​​​.
  3. Report promptly unsafe conditions or actions to your supervisor or 人力资源, 通过电话或使用网络 报告不安全状况 form.

基本安全规则, not limited to but including the following, 的建立,以帮助澳门真人官网赌场的大学成为一个安全和高效的工作场所. 这些规则是在从事特定工作或操作某些设备时必须遵守的特定部门安全规则的补充. Failure to comply with these rules will result in disciplinary action. 志愿者在工作时应该有良好的判断力,并遵守既定的安全规则.

  1. Never do anything that is unsafe in order to get the job done. If a job is unsafe, report it to your supervisor or Risk & 安全管理委员会 representative. We will find a safer way to do that job.
  2. Do not remove or disable any safety device! Keep guards in place at all times on operating machinery.
  3. Never operate a piece of equipment unless you have been trained and are authorized.
  4. Use your personal protective equipment (PPE) whenever it is required.
  5. 遵守所有安全警告标志.
  6. 禁止在酒精或非法药物影响下从事志愿活动,或在从事志愿活动时使用这些药物.
  7. Do not bring firearms or explosives onto University property.
  8. 不允许吸烟.
  9. Horseplay, running and fighting are prohibited.
  10. 立即清理泄漏物.
  11. Replace all tools and supplies after use.
  12. Do not allow trash or scraps to accumulate where they will become a hazard. Good housekeeping helps prevent injuries.
  1. 如果有人死亡, 可能死亡, 或者住院治疗, 人力资源, 营业时间, 或校园保安, 在周末, 晚上或假期, 我会打电话来报告吗, 到政府部门去, 使用以下信息.
    • 工作地点的名称
    • 事故发生地点
    • 事件发生的时间和日期
    • Number of fatalities or in-patient hospitalized employees
    • 受伤雇员名单
    • 联系人和电话号码
    • 事件的简要描述
  2. 利用 事故/次死里逃生的报告, Accident/Near-Miss 调查报告, and any claim form associated with the accident, 人力资源 will determine whether it must be recorded on the OSHA Injury and Illness Log and Summary.
  3. 人力资源部将在大学得知事故后的六(6)天内进入可记录事故. 
  4. If the injury is not recorded on the OSHA log, 人力资源将把它添加到一个单独的事件报告日志中,该日志用于记录非osha可记录的伤害和未遂事故.
  5. 人力资源部将向风险部门提供季度伤害和调查报告 & 安全管理委员会 for review.

报告死亡, 可能死亡, 或在华盛顿工作的两(2)名或更多雇员在八(8)小时内住院治疗到劳工和工业部, Kennewick.
1-509-735-0100 or 1-800-423-7233 if unable to reach someone at the first number.

If unable to reach these offices, call 1-800-321-6742 to report directly to OSHA.

Fax and answering machine notifications are not acceptable.




If unable to reach these offices, call 1-800-321-6742 to report directly to OSHA.

Fax and answering machine notifications are not acceptable.

Call 1-800-321-6742 to report the death, 可能死亡, or the in-patient hospitalization of two (2) or more employees working in Montana.

Fax and answering machine notifications are not acceptable.